IFB Management course Life science 2025-2026 (mainly English)
IFB Health Café 2025
IFB Management course Life science 2024-2025 (mainly English)
IFB Network meeting FOR IFB-ers ONLY - 2025 - BJORN SOENENS
Registered Office
Karel Oomstraat 100 – 1402
B-2018 Antwerpen
VAT: BE 0450.569.651
Bank: BE54 6451 3377 8997
Erkenningsnummer : DV.O104106
Contact Us
Martine Wouters
Managing Director IFB
(Commissioned by IFB, Zaakvoerder MATOCOM)
Mobile: +32(0) 498 110 114
Email: info@ifbseminars.be
Terms and conditions
Operator of the website IFB
Martine Wouters, Managing Director, +32 (0)498 110114 / martine.wouters@ifbseminars.be
Karel Oomstraat 100 – 1402
2018 Antwerp
Belgium (19/04/2018)
BE 0450.569.651
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Registration and storage of personal data
If you register for the IFB Newsletter or for participation in a course/participation in the IFB network, your personal data will be stored in our computer files.
IFB is the sole owner of this protected file and the party responsible for processing the personal data collected by way of this registration.
Personal data will not be transferred to third parties or disclosed.
This data is kept in conformity with the Belgian Privacy Protection Act of 8 December 1992.
You will always be entitled to view, alter, correct and remove your personal data, free of charge.
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This website is provided "as is" without any representations or warranties, express or implied.
IFB makes no representations or warranties in relation to this website or the information and materials provided on this website.
Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing paragraph, IFB does not warrant that:
Third-party information
The newsletter may contain links to other websites that may be of interest to persons registered with IFB. IFB is not responsible for the content of those linked sites.
IFB is committed to protect your personal data.
In this privacy statement, we want to provide clear and transparent information about the way we handle personal data.
We hereby declare that we comply with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and that we therefore always will act in a proportional and transparent way.
Participants of the IFB activities or the IFB network may exercise the rights accorded to them pursuant to the GDPR.
Registration and storage of personal data
If you register for the IFB Newsletter or for participation in a course/participation in the IFB network, your personal data will be stored in our computer files.
IFB is the sole owner of this protected file and the party responsible for processing the personal data collected by way of this registration.
Personal data will not be transferred to third parties or disclosed.
This data is kept in conformity with the Belgian Privacy Protection Act of 8 December 1992.
You will always be entitled to view, alter, correct and remove your personal data, free of charge.
No data transfer to third parties
Personal data will not be transferred to third parties or disclosed. We will at all times respect the confidentiality of the data within our organisation.
To ensure that your data is protected from, among other things, unauthorised access, unlawful use, loss or unauthorised alterations, the services make use of appropriate security techniques and procedures.
All persons who may have access to your data on behalf of IFB are bound by confidentiality.
We apply a username and password policy for all our systems; we use pseudonymisation and encryption of personal data where necessary;
we make backups of the personal data to enable us to restore this in case of physical or technical incidents;
we test and evaluate our measures on a regular basis. Further, we will not transfer any data provided by you to third parties, unless this is required and/ or permitted by law.
Retention period
IFB will not keep personal data longer than is necessary for the purpose for which they were provided or pursuant to a legal obligation.
Your data will therefore be kept in respect of the activity and the duration of the IFB network.
You are at all times entitled to retrieve, alter or correct your data, or have it removed.
Third-party information
The newsletter may contain links to other websites that may be of interest to persons registered with IFB.
IFB is not responsible for the content of those linked sites.
Access to the data
Pursuant to the Belgian Privacy Protection Act of 8 December 1992, you are at all times entitled to retrieve, alter or correct your data, or have it removed.
If you no longer wish to receive the information about our activities or if you want to have your data altered, corrected or removed, you can do this yourself or contact us at any time.
If, after reading our privacy policy, you have any questions or wish to contact us with regard to this policy, you can do so through the following contact details:
Martine Wouters, Managing Director, +32 (0)498 110114 / martine.wouters@ifbseminars.be
Karel Oomstraat 100 – 1402
2018 Antwerp
Please note
As privacy legislation is changing significantly, IFB reserves the right to adjust the privacy section of this site at any time and without previous notification;
this privacy section may be referred to at any time.
We may use cookies to make the website user-friendly.
A cookie is a small text file that is automatically stored on the hard disk of your computer to facilitate and accelerate access to the site and to customise the site in accordance with your personal preferences.
For example, a cookie remembers your language choice, so that you will not have to enter this every time you visit the site.
You can refuse these cookies by adjusting the settings of your internet browser to ensure that you are informed about the existence of the cookies or that these are systematically refused.
You can refuse the placing of cookies, but in that case, some parts of our websites will not work, or will not work properly.
Cancellation policy:
Only cancelations in writing will be accepted (mail, fax or email).
Notifications received 3 months before the start of an event, get refunded for 100% minus an administrative fee of 100 euro.
All notifications received between 1 and 3 months before the start of the event, get refunded for 50% minus an administrative fee of 100 euro.
Cancellations requests received less than 1 month before the start of the event won't be refunded.
Replacement by a colleague is allowed upon notification to IFB before the start of the course. For exception, please contact Martine Wouters.
De kmo-portefeuille is een laagdrempelige en interactieve webtoepassing waarlangs ondernemers jaarlijks tot 40.000 euro subsidies kunnen bekomen van de Vlaamse overheid voor ondersteuning in hun processen van ondernemen, innoveren en internationaliseren.
Via de kmo-portefeuille zijn er subsidies mogelijk voor opleiding, advies, strategisch advies, advies internationaal ondernemen, technologieverkenning en coaching die worden ingekocht bij erkende dienstverleners. UBK/UCB vzw-asbl is erkend voor de pijler ‘opleiding’.
De kmo-portefeuille is een subsidiemaatregel ten behoeve van Vlaamse kmo’s en vrije beroepen die voldoen aan onderstaande voorwaarden:
Ook erkende dienstverleners kunnen steun aanvragen voor zover ze een in aanmerking komende kmo zijn en indien ze beroep doen op een derde erkende dienstverlener.
De publieke dienstverleners komen niet in aanmerking voor steun. Vzw’s komen niet in aanmerking en kunnen geen gebruik maken van de kmo-portefeuille.
U kunt een virtuele portefeuille openen via de webapplicatie www.kmo-portefeuille.be en u registreren met het federaal token of met uw elektronische identiteitskaart.
Bij het aanvragen van subsidies voor de pijler vorming is het belangrijk dat er al een overeenkomst of inschrijving is met een opleidingsinstituut !
Belangrijk! Als u inschrijft voor een opleiding bij UBK/UCB vzw-asbl hebt u tot uiterlijk 14 dagen na aanvang van de opleiding de tijd om uw subsidieaanvraag in te dienen.
De ondernemer betaalt zelf 60% van het opleidingsbudget; de Vlaamse overheid legt 40% bij.
De steun bedraagt maximaal 10.000,00 euro per jaar wat opleidingen betreft.